The Evergreen Golf Course Men’s Club plays on Thursdays & Saturdays. Thursday days play includes voluntary “pot” games and players can play anytime on Thursday as long as they are playing with another member. Non Evergreen mens club members with a valid USGA handicap are invited to join the group and play in the game and meet the guys.
Saturday morning mens club will be at 8AM or 8:30AM depending on the time of year and will be a two man blind draw format with KP’s and different formats mixed in every few weeks. Guests with active USGA handicaps are welcome to join the group.
Once a month a Saturday tournament is held, with prizes paid from the men’s club dues. Those dues also maintain the USGA Handicaps, administered through the Oregon Golf Association.
A current handicap is necessary to participate in the net score games. A provisional handicap is determined by the OGA after five 18 hole rounds are submitted, and participation in net games can begin.
The Club can be joined at any time, and existing USGA Handicaps can be transferred or reactivated. We have one of the most active and friendly mens clubs in the Salem area and we always welcome new members!
Join the Men’s Club and sign up for the tournament by calling the pro shop: 503-845-9911
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